Competition Rules

Competition Rules



The following Competition Rules were made and approved by the Committee for use from September 2024.

All previously issued Competition Rules are cancelled.



It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that entries comply with the rules of any competition entered. If in doubt an entrant should seek a ruling from the relevant Print or PI Competition Secretary. Such rulings must be requested not less than one week in advance of the closing date for entries and if necessary, shall be accompanied by adequate documentation to enable a decision to be made. The Competition Secretary’s decision will be final.


All entries shall be submitted with a legible title as required by the individual competition. For the Print and PI League Competitions this title will be read out or displayed immediately prior to judging. In all other competitions titles will not be read out or displayed unless the image is given an award by the judge.

Titles shall not be added to an entry in a manner which renders them visible during the judging process.


For the purposes of these rules a photograph is deemed to be one individual capture on either photographic emulsion or digital camera or scanner.

Where the term ‘image’ is used in the rules this shall be taken to mean a Print or Projected Image created from one or more photographs as stipulated in the individual competition rules.


  1. OPEN competitions will consist of two classes: ‘A’ Class for the more advanced members and ‘B’ Class for all other members.
  2. The SET SUBJECT Competitions will consist of four sections: UK Landscape (Edith Barnes Trophy-PI only), plus 3 other subjects to be announced in advance, and shall be subject to the rules as set out below.
    1. General Set Subjects:
      Images entered into these competitions should, as the main subject of the image, reflect the subject requested, e.g. a Set Subject of ‘Something Red’, should, as the main subject of the image, be of something ‘red’.
    2. UK Landscapes:
      An image portraying the environment in all its forms. e.g. rural, urban or coastal landscape image will be accepted including Colour, Monochrome, Infra-red, HDR and Panoramic images. Composite images may not be entered into this subject

      Images in this subject MUST be taken in the United Kingdom only
    3. Travel:
      Composite images may not be entered into this subject
  3. Members may enter a maximum of THREE prints and TWO projected images in each Open Subject Competition and THREE prints and TWO projected images in each Set Subject Competition. The scores for the best 2 out of 3 prints will count. To allow an image to appear more than once, a print or a projected image may be entered twice – once in the Open and once in the Set Subject competition but not in the same seasonWhen entering an image again, it may be entered as a Print or Projected Image and adjustments may be made e.g. to reflect a judge’s comments on its first judging.
    It may also be entered into the Tri-pic, Knock-out and Print/Projected Image of the Year Competition in the same season.
  4. In the interests of a varied competition, substantially similar images are not eligible. This includes images which by nature of their subject matter, composition, lighting etc are very similar. If in doubt, the entrant should consult the relevant competition secretary for a final ruling before entering the image.
  5. Print Competition entries must be submitted to the Print Competition Secretary at least one week in advance of the judging date unless otherwise advised.
  6. Each print must be (a) securely fixed to a 50 cm by 40 cm mount and (b) have the completed Label (available on request from the Print Competition Secretary) securely affixed to the reverse of the mount showing the member’s name and print title for easy identification. The Label is also the Entry Form. No label means no entry!
  7. A digital version of the print must also be submitted via the Online Entry system, in the format described below, for use on the club website and to aid the selection committee.
  8. Digital images for projection should be submitted to the Projected Image Competition Secretary at least one week in advance of the judging date unless otherwise advised. The images should be in JPG high quality format and should be submitted via the online entry system, a link to which is available on the Club’s Home page on the website. Alternate methods of entry may be used after discussion with the Competition Secretary.
  9. The maximum dimensions for landscape images are 1600 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high and for portrait images no more than 1200 pixels high.
  10. Images should be saved with the sRGB colour space profile Members will need to have obtained log on details for the Online Entry system prior to making submissions for competitions.  These are obtained from the PI Competition Secretary.
  11. The Online entry system requires the member to enter a title for the image prior to uploading the image. The title should be as you want it to be displayed during the competition.  i.e., My Picture.
  12. Marking will be by visiting judge or club judge. The judge shall decide whether an entry falls within the set subject category. Points will be awarded to a maximum of TEN for each print/projected image submitted. A Diploma will be awarded for any print/projected image scoring 9.5 or 10 points.
  13. The top six scores from each Open and each Set Subject competition will be used to calculate the winners of these leagues. In the event of a tie, all eight scores will be counted.
  14. Any prints / projected images entered in Club Competitions should be made available to the Club Selection Committee Secretary for use in battles and exhibitions as required. The Selection Committee is responsible for selecting prints / projected images for such external competitions.


  1. There shall be only ONE section for Prints and ONE section for Projected Images.
  2. Marking will be by the visiting judge.
  3. Members may enter a maximum of TWO prints and TWO projected images. Such prints and projected images must have been entered in one of the Internal League competitions during the current season, or in the most recently held Club Exhibition.
  4. Print and Projected Image entries must be submitted to the relevant competition secretary at least one week in advance of the judging date unless otherwise advised.
  5. The judge will choose a 1st, 2ndand 3rdand may award Highly Commended. Diplomas will be presented on the night.


  1. For the Open Competitions, new members are automatically entered into Competition Class ‘B’ unless they have relevant photographic qualifications or successes, in which case they will normally be entered into Competition Class ‘A’.
  2. Members have the right to appeal the decision on which class they are entered. Appeals should be made in writing to the Club Secretary or the Competition Secretary. The request will be reviewed and actioned as deemed appropriate.  This decision will be final.
  3. Promotion to a higher section shall be decided at the end of each season by the Selection Committee, bearing in mind the quality of a member’s work, achievement in exhibitions and marks gained in open club competitions.



  1. Members may submit up to THREE panels to the Print Competition Secretary at least one week in advance of the judging date unless otherwise advised, each panel to consist of THREE prints on a theme of their choice.
  2. Prints will be shown as a panel.
  3. Members should clearly title all their prints on the reverse of the mount, giving the title of the respective Panel. In addition, each print must be labelled as follows: “1” = Left, “2” = Middle, “3” = Right, as viewed from the front.
  4. There is no bar on the prints submitted except that they may not have been used in previous internal Tri-Pic competitions.
  5. The judge will choose a 1st, 2ndand 3rdand may award Highly Commended. Diplomas will be presented on the night.


  1. Members may submit up to three entries. Each entry shall comprise a composite image created from three photographs integrated into one digital file such that the three images appear on the screen as a panel. A panel is defined as three distinct images laid out in such a way as to complement each other. Where images do not fill the whole of space available then a non-pictorial plain background may be used in a colour of the entrants’ choice.
  2. The Tri-Pic images for projection should be submitted to the Projected Image Competition Secretary at least one week in advance of the Competition date.
  3. There is no bar on the projected images submitted except that they may not have been used in previous internal Tri-Pic competitions. Entries should be submitted via the online entry system, a link to which is available on the Club’s Home page on the website. Alternate methods of entry may be used after discussion with the Competition Secretary. Files must follow the standard sizing, file format and naming structure as per Items 9, 10 &11 of Print and Projected Image Competitions / Leagues
  4. The judge will choose a 1st, 2ndand 3rdand may award Highly Commended. Diplomas will be presented on the night.


  1. Members may submit up to THREE entries (subject to the volume of entries received). They should not have been submitted for this competition in previous years. Entries should be submitted to the Projected Image Competition Secretary at least one week in advance of the Competition. Entries should be submitted via the online entry system, a link to which is available on the Club’s Home page on the website. Alternate methods of entry may be used after discussion with the Competition Secretary. Files must follow the standard sizing, file format and naming structure as per Items 9, 10 &11 of Print and Projected Image Competitions / Leagues
  2. PI’s will be shown in random pairs with one of each pair being eliminated, the other image going forward to the next round.
    The total number of rounds will depend on the number of entries and will almost certainly involve a preliminary round to bring down numbers to the correct multiple.
  3. The final round will consist of the last two PIs with a trophy being awarded to the winner.